While the anticipation of a new home is exciting, moving everything to a new place is often a daunting experience. Below are several tips to help you streamline your move and take the pain out of the moving process. Forward this information on to friends and family to help them organize their moves as well.
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Pictures from our Mother's Day in Victoria
I hope everyone had a great Mother's Day! It was great connecting with old and new clients at our Mother's Day Open Garden event. See you next time!
Mother's Day Open Garden
Hi there, I wanted to invite you to our Annual Mother’s Day Open Garden this Sunday May 11th 1:00pm to 4:00pm at 3913 Woodhaven Terrace in Cadboro Bay. The rhododendrons are in full bloom, with a good number of other flowering shrubs and trees, including native plants. There will be tea and cookies and it would be great to catch up!
Hope you can make it!
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